Kennedy College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Leaving Certificate Applied

The Leaving Certificate Applied is a two-year Leaving Certificate, available to students who wish to follow a practical or vocationally orientated programme.

Kenedy College endeavours to accommodate all learners by offering the LCA programme subject to demand and resources. This is reviewed on a yearly basis.

The Leaving Certificate Applied is made up of a range of courses that are structured around three elements: Vocational Preparation, Vocational Education and General Education.

LCA ensures that the talents of all Leaving Certificate students are recognised and that they are afforded an opportunity to develop in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge.

Students are also encouraged to develop communication and decision-making skills that facilitate a more independent and enterprising approach to learning and to life in line with the Kennedy College visionary statement, ‘Together We Learn For Life’.

Aug 23
Leaving Cert Results
Aug 27
1st Year Induction
Aug 28
3rd, 6th & LCA Return to School
Aug 29
2nd & 5th Years Return to School
Bosheen, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Y34YW08.
Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2024 Kennedy College