Kennedy College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB



Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme (LCVP) is a two-year programme designed to enhance the Leaving Certificate by combing the academic strengths of the Leaving Certificate with a dynamic focus on self–directed learning, innovation and enterprise.

The primary goal of the programme aligns itself with our school visionary statement, ‘Together We Learn For Life’ by ensuring that students are educated in the broadest sense, with an ability to cope and thrive in an environment of rapid change.

Throughout the programme, students are encouraged to:

  • Be innovative and enterprising
  • Take responsibility for their own learning
  • Adapt to changing circumstances
  • Evaluate data and devise solutions to problems
  • Communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively
  • Work with others as part of a team
  • Investigate and plan career options
  • Use information and communications technologies
  • Investigate local businesses and community enterprises
  • Learn from their experiences

Students in Kennedy College also benefit from a one-week work placement as part of the LCVP programme where they get to test and hone the skills and competencies learned in the classroom by applying them in a real-world setting. This has proven to be a fantastic building block in preparing students for the demands of the working world.

Assessment in the L.C.V.P


The portfolio will include samples of the student’s work that they have completed over the two years at senior cycle. The Portfolio accounts for 60% of the total marks allocated for the program.

Written Examination

A written Exam takes place in the school in May and accounts for 40% of the total marks.


Distinction (80 – 100%) - 66 points

Merit (65 – 79%) - 46 points

Pass (50 – 64%) - 28 points

Aug 23
Leaving Cert Results
Aug 27
1st Year Induction
Aug 28
3rd, 6th & LCA Return to School
Aug 29
2nd & 5th Years Return to School
Bosheen, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Y34YW08.
Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2024 Kennedy College