Kennedy College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB


Kennedy College offers a comprehensive Career Guidance and Counselling service to all post-primary students.

Guidance refers to the range of learning experiences provided in a developmental sequence, designed to support students in making informed choices in relation to their personal, educational and vocational lives.

Career Guidance is timetabled for each year group to ensure each student has access to appropriate guidance.

The Kennedy College Guidance programme aims to:

  • Provide for the educational, vocational and personal development of all students.
  • Be inclusive and comprehensive, providing for students with varying needs in both Junior and Senior Cycle.
  • Enhance the value of each student through the school visionary statement, 'Together We learn For Life'.
  • To promote among students the importance of accessing the appropriate support as part of a lifelong learning process.
  • To enable students to take responsibility for their learning and decision making in terms of further education or career choices.
  • To identify and support vulnerable students.
  • Foster an environment where students can identify, explore and create opportunities and develop a self-awareness of their talents, interests and abilities.
Feb 17
Mid-Term Break
Mar 17
Bank Holiday
Mar 18
School Closed
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
Bosheen, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Y34YW08.
Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2025 Kennedy College