The Substance Misuse Service SECH, in partnership with the National Social Inclusion Office, are facilitating the third Parents Matter Online event on the 23rd of November 2023 at 7:00pm. The November webinar will focus on supporting parents in the South East Region.
The aim of the series is to hold a number of events to help empower parents on delivering drug education and prevention within the home.

A series of topics will be covered relating to adolescence and development, substance use among teens and drug prevention and education.
This online event will support parents to understand:
- The current drug and alcohol landscape, including the latest drug trends such as cannabis edibles and other substances of concern
- Their role in supporting healthy decision making by their children.
- The reasons why we seek to delay or avoid young people’s entry into the world of alcohol and drug use.
- The steps which parents can take to reduce the likelihood that their son or daughter develops a substance use problem
- The HSE Adolescent Addiction Service’s experiences in working with young people.
- The information and support options for concerned parents in their local are
More information and registration can be found at []
Thank you.

Andy Hargreaves
Drug Education Officer
Substance Misuse Team
St. John's Hospital
Co. Wexford