Kennedy College is a Waterford and Wexford Education and Training Board School
Waterford & Wexford ETB

Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades Results 2020

Calculated Grades will issue at 9.00 a.m. on Monday 7h September
Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades Results 2020

The results of the 2020 Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades will issue at 9.00 a.m. on Monday 7h September.

Key Dates

The following grid outlines the key dates associated with the 2020 Calculated Grades process.

7th September at 9.00 am

Results of the Leaving Certificate, Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme and Leaving Certificate Applied Calculated Grades will issue.

7th September

UCAS offers received by students

11th September

Deadline for return of Forms A, B, C and D, reconciliation sheet (where applicable) and school sign-off form to the Calculated Grades Executive Office.

11th September

CAO first round offers

14th September

Students can access their estimated percentage mark and calculated mark through the student portal.

14th September

Appeals application process open to students through the student portal from 9.00 a.m.

16th September

Appeals application process closes at 5.00 p.m.

23rd September

CAO round 2 offers

Disseminating results to Students.

Students will have access to their results from 9.00 am on the Calculated Grades Student Portal.

Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme students will have access to their results through the student portal, from 9.00 a.m. on Monday 7th September, from which they will also have the option to print a statement of provisional results.

Leaving Certificate Applied students can access their results through the student portal but they will not have the facility to print a statement of provisional of results.

A statement of results for each Leaving Certificate Applied Year 2 student will also be enclosed in the mailing. You are asked to distribute these to the relevant students.

Access to Data.

The Calculated Grades Student Portal will reopen on 14th September at 9.00 am and will provide students with the percentage marks they were awarded by the Calculated Grades process. They will also be able to access the estimated percentage marks provided by their schools. Students may wish to have access to and consider this data if they are considering an appeal of their Calculated Grade.

It was also intended to provide students with the class rank order provided by the school on 14 September. However, an issue has arisen regarding the provision to students on 14 September of their class rank order in subjects, provided by their school as part of the Calculated Grades process. The issue relates to the General Data Protection Regulation and the personal data of candidates. The Department is seeking legal advice on this matter

Appeals Process

Students unhappy with their Calculated Grades results will have access to an appeals process. The appeals process will be an administrative process and students may not appeal against the information provided on their behalf by the school as these have already been subjected to a school alignment process and oversight by the school principal.

Students may lodge an appeal through the student portal from 9.00 a.m. on Monday 14th September to 5.00 p.m. on Wednesday 16th September.

Stage1: Checks will be undertaken to ensure that the intended information was recorded correctly by the school and that the information was transferred correctly into the data collection system.

Stage 2: There will also be a review to ensure that the data was correctly received and processed in the national standardisation process conducted by the Department.

Data checks will include a check to ensure that the rank order of the class group for the subject and level taken has been preserved in the standardisation process and that students placed on the same school-estimated mark in the same subject and at the same level taken by the school are conferred with the same calculated mark conferred by the Department.

Stage 3: Students unhappy with the outcome of this process can seek a review by Independent Appeal Scrutineers.

All students will have the opportunity to sit the postponed Leaving Certificate Examinations which are scheduled to begin on 16th November subject to public health advice.

Wishing all of our students the very best of luck!!

Mar 17
Bank Holiday
Mar 18
School Closed
Apr 14
Easter Holidays
May 05
Bank Holiday
Bosheen, New Ross, Co. Wexford, Y34YW08.
Waterford & Wexford Educational Training Board
© 2025 Kennedy College